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No access to Judd Street from Euston Road or Midland Road for motor vehicles
(except emergency access)

Judd Street is now closed to motor vehicles from Euston Road and Midland Road
(except emergency access)
Camden and TfL have now permanently closed the north end of Judd Street to motor vehicles, although there is access (if necessary) for emergency vehicles. It is now possible to cross the Euston Road as a pedestrian from both west and east sides of Judd Street, ie leading to / from the British Library and to / from St Pancras station.
The change to Midland Road means that it is now possible to cycle directly north along Midland Road. and there are designated traffic signals for cyclists travelling north to Kentish Town and beyond and south along the CS8 route.
The only vehicular way in to the neighbourhood from Euston Road is now the tiny one-way Duke's Road.
The south end of Hunter Street (continuation of Judd Street) is planned to be egress only; so no vehicle will be able to drive to Brunswick Square or the Brunswick Centre from the south, ie from Guilford Street. We have no idea when these changes will be implemented. The closure of Lansdowne Terrace will impact on the Construction Management Plans for two local developments - Camden Town Hall and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
You would think local people might have had a say in these changes but many, and maybe most, did not. Some consultation leaflets were distributed over three years ago but the Council has publicly admitted that these failed to reach many households in 2016. Following our public meeting in July 2018, BRAG is trying to work with officers to see if Camden's consultation processes can be improved. But it's an uphill battle.
We also question how construction traffic for the redevelopment of Camden Town Hall will access the building site now the junction is closed - and the subsequent effect on residents who live close by.
BRAG has looked closely at the consequences of closing access from Judd Street and Guilford Street, which apart from the obvious ones of local people simply not being able to get around, will include:
Increased risk of crime: there will be a huge reduction in ‘passive surveillance’, ie, the deterrent normally provided by passing traffic; experience of Argyle Square shows us that this leads to increased crime and the council knows this
More expensive taxi rides for disabled and older people, since taxis will have to travel much further to enter and exit the area
Increased congestion from displaced traffic, as was shown by the recent Public Inquiry, resulting in increased pollution; this will be particularly bad in Duke's Road, Flaxman Terrace and Burton Street
Slowing down emergency vehicles, for which Judd Street is a designated route
Lengthening the hundreds of hospital patient journeys which happen every week between major hospitals in this area - putting patients at risk as well as causing more pollution
This is yet another decision which will make pollution and quality of life worse for local people.