Do you live in South Camden
and care about your community?
4.1 The Council’s SoC does not provide sound evidence for the trial to be made permanent.
a) The trial has not met its objectives with regard to safety and pollution
b) The trial has created multiple adverse impacts, which outweigh any positive impacts, and which the
Council is largely not taking into account
c) There are alternative plans for the area which could achieve the Council’s objectives without such
adverse impacts, and these have not been fairly and adequately considered
d) The Council’s Statement of Case supporting the trial being made permanent is based on many
statements which are unsubstantiated, and statements for which the evidence is quite contrary to the
assertions, and some incorrect information.
4.2 The trial removes a vital westbound route
The west-bound Torrington-Tavistock corridor which has been blocked was not a short cut; it was not even only a key west-bound vehicle route; it was in fact the only west-bound vehicular route between the Strand and Euston Road; once that is digested, one begins to understand the significant problems caused by its closure.
4.3 BRAG proposes that corridor should be reversed to its previous two way traffic but with the modification
that, instead of one bidirectional cycle lane, there should be two unidirectional cycle lanes.
Proofs of evidence will demonstrate:
Traffic displaced from Tavistock Place
The flawed nature of the consultation process
The Freedom of Information request for data ignored by Council
Stop-start traffic and consequent pollution in surrounding streets
Cycling accident information
Increased risk to cyclists in surrounding streets
Routes designated for emergency vehicles
Problems caused to hospital patients and staff
Problems caused for people with impaired mobility
Problems caused for local businesses
BRAG’s proposal to reverse the trial, but with modifications
Commentary of the Council’s critique of BRAG’s proposal
Commentary on the Council’s SoC
Video evidence covering displaced traffic, risks to cyclists and the impeding of emergency vehicles
Pedestrian accident information
Documents to be referred to:
a) National standards re road widths etc as referred to by Council barrister in Pre-Inquiry
Meeting, and which, it is understood, will be part of a common library of documents
b) BRAG formal response to the consultation
c) Camden Council Cabinet papers for January 2015
d) Website document (not the hard copy leaflet) published by the Council at the beginning of the trial in
November 2015
e) BRAG’s Community Planning Day Report